Where I’ve lived

I actually got into a discussion about this last night and think that it’s about time that I stay in one place for a while.  Well, at least, one general area, lol.

States I’ve lived in:

1. Florida (all over central Florida and St. Augustine)

2. Alabama (I don’t remember it, so don’t worry)

3. Georiga (twice)

4. North Carolina (twice)

5. Wisconsin

Okay, so here goes…

I was born in Orlando, Florida and moved to Alabama for a while.  Then, moved back to Florida!  After that, my family decided to move to Georgia (when I was 6).  After that, we moved to Fayetteville, NC when I was 7.  At the age of 10 we moved to Wisconsin.  By 11.5 I moved to Florida.  At age of 13 we moved to Savannah, Ga.  By 15 we headed back to Florida!  I went to the same high school all 4 years. 🙂  At the age of 19 I went to Flagler College.  I stayed there for a year and transferred to WCU… where I actually finished college.  Now, I’m back in Florida (surprise!).  I plan on staying in the central Florida area no matter how hard it is to find a real job!  I will do it, lol.  I don’t think I can do the moving thing again for at least 5 years.

If you ask me exactly where I’ve lived in Florida it’d probably consist of like 7 places. 😛  I guess you can say I’m well traveled? lol

Next book on my list

On the Road with Jack Kerouac.  I will provide a review at a later date. 🙂

Things that make me want to yak

1.  Soap Operas…

2. Too much pink in someone’s room and/or house

3. Unicorns

4. People carrying a poodle in their purse. WTF?! Actually, poodles period.

5. Those fake smiles that are really big and show all yer teeth. blah

6. Mini Vans (hehe, sorry)

7. Braggarts

8. People makin out on airplanes and, I mean, really getting into it! I just mention this cause I’ve seen it and was in the adjacent seat.

9. Annoyingly political people who don’t even know what they are talking about. I don’t know everything, but still… please don’t say something you can’t back up at least a little.

10. Mushrooms

11. Paris Hilton.

12. Lily Pulitzer (sorry, again)

13. People who think they have to have a Tiffany’s engagement ring. Again, I’ve seen this.

On the Road

I’ve been wanting to take a cross-country road trip for a really long time.  Seeing as I’m broke at the moment, this is just a dream.  I always thought it a romantic idea to take Route 66 the whole way, but since I am starting in Florida, I’ll just have to dream about taking other roads.  Looks like I-10 is one of those main roads. My road trip would be an adventure through mainly the southwest.

Good places to shop

I don’t like spending a lot on clothes, so I shop at these places!

1. Heritage 1981: You can buy new clothes here that have a vintage/retro look.

2. Resale and thrift stores: You can find vintage and used clothing here for a good price. Also, you can resale your own stuff and trade things!

3. Target sale rack: I told you I’m cheap. hahaha

The perfect man

Just toying around with this idea. If I could invent the perfect man… haha. I will never hold anyone up to impossible standards, but anyway here is a simple list and some pics of some men I find interesting and good looking. 🙂

1. intelligent but not pretentious

2. good taste in music

3. sociable

4. devilishly good looking or at least in their own way

5. kind

6. passionate about something… I don’t have a list for that yet 😛

7. “real” i.e. not interested in doing something because they are followers. Genuine souls.

8. at least half a foot taller than me, preferably.

9. laid back

10. have some sort of job (I’m not all that interested in money, but having some to live is important!)

11. some facial hair is kinda cool but it’s not a must 😛  He doesn’t need to look homeless, lol.

Now, for the photos…

Ever since Bonnie and Clyde..

I like his style. He’s cute in a quirky sort of way.

I don't care for all the roles he's been in, but I like his look and mannerisms.

Into the Wild

Last month I read an amazing book by Jon Krakauer called Into the Wild.  This nonfiction book tells the story of one man’s quest to find himself and find peace on the open road as well as in the solitude of the beautiful but unforgiving wild of the Alaskan back country.  His name was Chris McCandless  and he began his journey in 1990 after having graduated from Emory University.  Before leaving on his two year journey he donated his savings to charity and then left his apartment in Atlanta, Georiga to take off on an adventure in the American West and eventually Alaska. While this book is full of romanticism about the beauty our country has to offer, it also paints a bittersweet picture of an idealistic and slightly (if not deeply) troubled soul.  McCandless’s journey for discovery and purpose to this life proved to end tragically during his final travel to Alaska.  I suppose what drew me to this book so much was this enigmatic character.  While many would just call him stupid and suicidal, I think that this man was much more complicated than that.  I will stop the review here and let you read the book so you can decide for yourself.  Any book that leaves me wondering and caring about a character this much is definitely a worthwhile book to reread.

“Two years he walks the earth, no phone, no pool, no pets, no cigarettes. Ultimate freedom. An extremist. An aesthetic voyager whose home is the road. Escaped from Atlanta. Thou shalt not return, ‘cause “the West is the best.” And now after two rambling years comes the final and greatest adventure, the climactic battle to kill the false being within and victoriously conclude the spiritual revolution. Ten days and nights of freight trains and hitchhiking bring him to the great white North. No longer to be poisoned by civilization he flees, and walks alone upon the land to become lost in the wild. – Alexander Supertramp, May 1992.”


Today a good job can be hard to come by. Wait, reader, I didn’t have to tell you that.  I’ve been looking for the past 3 months and only ended up with a job part-part time.  I also signed up for substitute teaching which ended up costing me $138.15.  Yes, I know what you’re thinking!  I can’t believe you have to pay to work now.

I will try to give the cyber world an update on my job search as a way to vent.  My goal is to move out of this place I call home by the beginning of next year.  Can I manage it?  What jobs should I apply to today?

Graduation Mix!

Some videos from the list I have compiled for my college graduation party! 😀 What do you think?

That’s it for this blog. My list consists of 19 songs so far.

British Music

Why the hell is that more than half the time that I’m looking for new music or listening to old favorites I constantly go for British music?  It isn’t that I’m pretentious and thinking that ONLY British music is cool, but it just seems to be way better than like 75% of anything else.  IDK, this is just a random thought I have in my head that I felt I should share with the world.  What do you think?

Random list of some influential and talented British bands from yesterday and today.

1. The Beatles

2. Pink Floyd

3. Led Zeppelin

4. The Rolling Stones

5. The Clash

6. David Bowie

7. Franz Ferdinand

8. The Stone Roses

9. Oasis

10. The Cure

11. Radiohead

12. The Who

13. The Smiths

Really, I could go on!

I rest my case.  🙂

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